

90. “Iridium(III) catalyzed trifluoroacetoxylation of aromatic hydrocarbons.” Bischof, Steven M.; Lokare, Kapil S.; Gunsalus, Niles; Yousufuddin, Muhammed; Periana, Roy A. ; Hashiguchi, Brian G. RSC Adv. 20144, 35639-35648.

89. “Selective CH Functionalization of Methane, Ethane, and Propane by a Perfluoroarene Iodine(III) Complex.” Konnick, Michael M.; Hashiguchi, Brian G.; . Devaraja, Deepa; Boaz, Nicholas, C.; Gunnoe, T. Brent; Groves, John T.; Gunsalus, Niles; Ess, Daniel H.; Periana, Roy A. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2014, 53, 10490-10494.

88. “A Mechanistic Change Results in 100-times faster CH Functionalization for Ethane versus Methane by a Homogeneous Pt Catalyst.” Konnick, Michael M.; Bischof, Steven M.; Yousufuddin, Muhammed; Hashiguchi, Brian G.; Ess, Daniel H.; Periana, Roy A. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014, 136, 10085–10094.

87. “Selective Monooxidation of Light Alkanes Using Chloride and Iodate.” Fortman, George, C.; Boaz, Nicholas, C.; Munz, Dominik; Konnick, Michael M.; Periana, Roy A.; Groves, John T.; Gunnoe, T. Brent J. Am Chem. Soc.2014136, 8393-8401.

86. “Making Water the Exciting Way: A Classroom Demonstration of Catalysis.” Stowe, Ryan L.; Bischof, Steven M.; Konnick, Michael M.; Hövelmann, Claas H.; Leach-Scampavia, Deborah; Periana, Roy A.; Hashiguchi, Brian G.  J. Chem. Ed. 201491, 550–553.

85. “Main group compounds selectively oxidize mixtures of methane, ethane, and propane to alcohol esters.” Hashiguchi, Brian G.; Konnick, Michael M.; Bischof, Steven M.; Gustafson, Samantha J.; Devarajan, Deepa; Gunsalus, Niles; Ess, Daniel H.; Periana, Roy A.;  Science 2014343, 1232-1237.

84. “Base accelerated generation of N2 and NH3 from an osmium nitride.” Konnick, Michael M.; Bischof, Steven M.; Periana.Roy A.; Hashiguchi, Brian G.  J. Mol. Cat. A.2014382, 1-7.

83. “Computational study of carbon–hydrogen bond deprotonation by alkali metal superbases.” Pardue, Daniel, B.; Gustafson, Samantha, J.; Periana.Roy A.; Ess, Daniel, H.; Cundari, Thomas, R. Comp. Theor. Chem. 20131019, 85-93.

82. “Using Reduced Catalysts for Oxidation Reactions: Mechanistic Studies of the “Periana-Catalytica” System for CH4 Oxidation.” Mironov, Oleg A.; Bischof, Steven M.; Konnick, Michael M.; Hashiguchi, Brian G.; Goddard, William A., III; Ahlquist, Mårten; Periana.Roy A.  J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013135, 14644-14658.

81. “Cp* Iridium Precatalysts for Selective C-H Oxidation with Sodium Periodate as the Terminal Oxidant.” Zhou, Meng; Hintermair, Ulrich; Hashiguchi, Brian G.; Parent, Alexander R.; Hashmi, Sara M.; Elimelech, Menachem;. Periana, Roy A.; Brudvig, Gary W.; Crabtree, Robert H.  Organometallics 201332, 957-965.

80. “Designing Molecular Catalysts for Selective CH Functionalization.” Bischof, Steven M.; Hashiguchi, Brian G.; Konnick,Michael M.; Periana, Roy A. Topics in Organometallic Chemistry -Inventing Reactions. Ed. Lukas Gooßen. Springer, New York: 201344, 195-231.

79. “Highly Active Ru Catalyzed Hydrodefluorination of Aryl and Alkyl Fluorides in Basic Media.” Konnick,Michael M.; Bischof, Steven M.; Periana, Roy A.; Hashiguchi, Brian G. Adv. Syn. Catal. 2013355, 362-636.

78. “The para-substituent effect and pH-dependence of the organometallic Baeyer-Villager oxidation of rhenium-carbon bonds.” Cheng, Mu-Jeng; Bischof, Steven M.; Nielsen, Robert J.; Goddard, William A., III; Gunnoe, T. Brent; Periana, Roy A. Dalton Trans. 201241, 3758-3763.

77. “Designing Catalysts for Functionalization of Unactivated C–H Bonds Based on the CH Activation Reaction.” Hashiguchi, Brian G.; Bischof, Steven M.; Konnick, Michael, M.; Periana, Roy A.;  Acc. Chem. Res. 201245, 885-898.

76. “Reversible hydrogen storage using CO2 and a proton-switchable iridium catalyst in aqueous media under mild temperatures and pressures” Hull, Jonathan F.; Himeda, Y.; Wang, W.-H.; Hashiguchi, Brian G.; Periana, Roy A.; Szalda. David J.; Muckerman, James T.; Fujita, E. Nature Chem. 2012, 4, 383-388.

75. “Synthesis and Characterization of the κ2-acac-O,O Complex Os(IV)(acac)2PhCl and Study of CH Activation with Benzene.” Young, Kenneth J. H.; Mironov, Oleg A.; Nielsen, Robert J.; Cheng, Mu-Jeng; Stewart, Timothy; Goddard, William A., III; Periana, Roy A. Organometallics 201130, 5088-5094.

74. “Iridium Complexes Bearing a PNP Ligand, Favoring Facile C(sp3)-H Bond Cleavage.” Lokare, Kapil S.; Nielsen, Robert J.; Yousufuddin, Muhammed, Goddard, William A., III; Periana, Roy A. Dalton Trans. 201140, 9094-9097.

73. “Synthesis of osmium and ruthenium complexes bearing dimethyl (S,S)-2,2′-(pyridine-2,6-diyl)-bis-(4,5-dihydrooxazol-4-carboxylate) ligand and application to catalytic H/D exchange.” Young, Kenneth J. H.; Lokare, Kapil S.; Leung, Chin-Hin; Cheng, Mu-Jeng; Nielsen, Robert J.; Petasis, Nicos A.; Goddard, William A., III; Periana, Roy A. J. Mol. Catal. A Chem. 2011339, 17-23.

72. “Functionalization of Rhenium Aryl Bonds by O-Atom Transfer.” Bischof, Steven M., Cheng, Mu-Jeng; Nielsen, Robert J.; Gunnoe, T. Brent; Goddard, William A., III; Periana, Roy A. Organometallics 201130, 2079-2082.

71. “Ligand Lone-pair Influence on Hydrocarbon C-H Activation: A Computational Prespective.” Ess, Daniel H.; Gunnoe, T. Brent; Cundari, Thomas R.; Goddard, Willaim A., III; Periana, Roy A. Organometallics 201029, 6801-6815.

70. “Chemistry in the Center for Catalytic Hydrocarbon Functionalization: An Energy Frontier Research Center.” Golisz, S. R.; Gunnoe, T. B.; Goddard, W. A., III; Groves, J. T.; Periana, R. A. Catal. Lett. 2011141, 213-221.

69. “Electrophilic, Ambiphilic, and Nucleophilic C−H Bond Activation: Understanding the Electronic Continuum of C−H Bond Activation Through Transition-State and Reaction Pathway Interaction Energy Decompositions.” Ess, Daniel H.; Goddard, William A., III; Periana, Roy A. Organometallics 201029, 6459-6472.

68. “Mechanism of Efficient Anti-Markovnikov Olefin Hydroarylation Catalyzed by Homogeneous Ir(III) Complexes.” Bhalla, Gaurav; Bischof, Steven M.; Ganesh, Somesh K.; Liu, Xiang Y.; Jones, CJ; Borzenko, Andrey; Tenn, William A., III; Ess, Daniel H.; Hashiguchi, Brian G.; Lokare, Kapil S.; Leung, Chin H.; Oxgaard, Jonas; Goddard, William A., III; Periana, Roy A.  Green Chemistry, 201113, 69-81.

67. “Methane to Methanol Conversion.” Hashiguchi, Brian G.; Hoevelmann, Class H.; Bischof, Steven M.; Lokare, Kapil S.; Leung, Chin Hin; Periana, Roy A. Energy Production and Storage: Inorganic Chemical Strategies for a Warming World, Ed. Robert H. Crabtree, Wiley: New York, 2010, 101.

66. “Rhodium Complexes Bearing Tetradentate Diamine-Bis(phenolate) Ligands.” Liu, Xiang Y.; Lokare, Kapil S.; Ganesh, Somesh K.; Gonzales, Jason M.; Oxgaard, Jonas; Goddard, William A., III; Periana, Roy A. Dalton Trans. 201040, 301.

65. “Oxygen and Carbon Bound Acetylacetonato Iridium(III) Complexes.” Bischof, Steven M.; Periana, Roy A. Inorganic Syntheses, Wiley: New York, 2010, Vol. 35, 173.

64. “Synthesis, Characterization, and C-H Activation Reactions of Novel Organometallic O-donor Ligated Rh(III) Complexes.” Tenn, William J., III; Conley, Brian L.; Bischof, Steven M.; Periana, Roy A. J. Organomet. Chem. 2011696, 551-558.

63. “Acceleration of Nucleophilic CH Activation by Strongly Basic Solvents.” Hashiguchi, Brian G.; Young, Kenneth J. H.; Yousufuddin, Muhammed; Goddard, William A. III; Periana, Roy A. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010, 132, 12542-12545.

62. “Anion-Exchange-Triggered 1,3-Shift of an NH Proton to Iridium in Protic N-Heterocyclic Carbenes: Hydrogen-Bonding and Ion-Pairing Effects.” Song, Guoyong; Su, Yan; Periana, Roy A.; Crabtree, Robert H.; Han, Keli; Zhang, Hongjie; Li, Xingwei. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 201049, 912-917.

61. “Benzene C-H Bond Activation in Carboxylic Acids Catalyzed by O-Donor Iridium(III) Complexes: An Experimental and Density Functional Study.” Bischof, Steven M.; Ess, Daniel H.; Meier, Steven K.; Oxgaard, Jonas; Nielsen, Robert J.; Bhalla, Guarav; Goddard, William A., III; Periana, Roy A. Organometallics 201029, 742-756.


60. “Product Protection, the Key to Developing High Performance Methane Selective Oxidation Catalysts.”Ahlquist, Marten; Nielsen, Robert J.; Periana, Roy A.; Goddard, William A., III. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009131 (47), 17110-17115.

59. “Heterolytic Benzene C-H Activation by a Cyclometalated Iridium(III) Dihydroxo Pyridyl Complex: Synthesis, Hydrogen-Deuterium Exchange, and Density Functional Study.” Meier, Steven K.; Young, Kenneth J. H.; Ess, Daniel H.; Tenn, William J., III; Oxgaard, Jonas; Goddard, William A., III; Periana, Roy A. Organometallics 200928 (18), 5293-5304.

58. “Transition-State Charge Transfer Reveals Electrophilic, Ambiphilic, and Nucleophilic Carbon-Hydrogen Bond Activation.” Ess, Daniel H.; Nielsen, Robert J.; Goddard, William A., III; Periana, Roy A. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009131 (33), 11686-11688. 

57. “Tridentate (NNC) catalysts for the selective oxidation of hydrocarbons.” Periana, Roy A.; Goddard, William A., III; Oxgaard, Jonas; Young, Kenneth. PCT Int. Appl. 2009, 46pp. WO 2009091913.

56. “Catalytic process for oxidative functionalization of methane by rhenium(I)-mediated carbon-hydrogen bond activation.” Periana, Roy A.; Goddard, William A.; Tenn, William, III. PCT Int. Appl. 2009, 29pp. WO 2009091918.

55. “Experimental realization of catalytic CH4 hydroxylation predicted for an iridium NNC pincer complex, demonstrating thermal, protic, and oxidant stability.” Young, Kenneth J. H.; Oxgaard, Jonas; Ess, Daniel H.; Meier, Steven K.; Stewart, Timothy; Goddard, William A. III; Periana, Roy A. Chem. Commun. 2009, 3270-3272. 

54. “Cyclometalation of 6-Phenyl-2,2′-Bipyridine and Iridium: Synthesis, Characterization, and Reactivity Studies.” Young, Kenneth J. H.; Yousufuddin, Muhammed; Ess, Daniel H.; Periana, Roy A. Organometallics 200928 (12), 3395-3406. 

53. “C-H activation in strongly acidic media. The co-catalytic effect of the reaction medium.” Ahlquist, Marten; Periana, Roy A.; Goddard, William A., III. Chem. Commun. 2009, 2373-2375.

52. “Oxy-Functionalization of Nucleophilic Rhenium(I) Metal Carbon Bonds Catalyzed by Selenium(IV).” Tenn, William J., III; Conley, Brian L.; Hovelmann, Claas H.; Ahlquist, Marten; Nielsen, Robert J.; Ess, Daniel H.; Oxgaard, Jonas; Bischof, Steven M.; Goddard, William A., III; Periana, Roy A. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009131 (7), 2466-2468.

51. “Transition State Energy Decomposition Study of Acetate-Assisted and Internal Electrophilic Substitution C-H Bond Activation by (acac-O,O)2Ir(X) Complexes (X = CH3COO, OH).” Ess, Daniel H.; Bischof, Steven M.; Oxgaard, Jonas; Periana, Roy A.; Goddard, William A. III. Organometallics 2008, 27 (24), 6440-6445. 

50. “Facile oxy-functionalization of a nucleophilic metal alkyl with a cis-dioxo metal species via a (2 + 3) transition state.” Conley, Brian L.; Ganesh, Somesh K.; Gonzales, Jason M.; Ess, Daniel H.; Nielsen, Robert J.; Oxgaard, Jonas; Goddard, William A., III; Periana, Roy A. Angew. Chem, Int. Ed. 200847 (41), 7849-7852.

49. “Alkane and arene CH activation with a thermally, protic and oxidant stable iridium NNC pincer complex.” Young, Kenneth J. H.; Oxgaard, Jonas; Stewart, Timothy; Goddard, William A., III; Periana, Roy A. Preprints of Symposia – American Chemical Society, Division of Fuel Chemistry 200853 (1), 47-48.

48. “Methylrhenium Trioxide Revisited: Mechanisms for Nonredox Oxygen Insertion in an M-CH3 Bond.” Gonzales, Jason M.; Distasio, Robert, Jr.; Periana, Roy A.; Goddard, William A., III; Oxgaard, Jonas. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2007129 (51), 15794-15804.

47.  “Stoichiometric Oxy Functionalization and CH Activation Studies of Cyclometalated Iridium(III) 6-Phenyl-2,2′-Bipyridine Hydrocarbyl Complexes.” Young, Kenneth J. H.; Mironov, Oleg A.; Periana, Roy A. Organometallics ; 2007, 26(9), 2137-2140 DOI

46.  “Mechanistic Analysis of Iridium Heteroatom C-H Activation: Evidence for an Internal Electrophilic Substitution Mechanism.” Oxgaard, Jonas; Tenn, William J., III; Nielsen, Robert J.; Periana, Roy A.; Goddard, William A., III. Organometallics ; 2007, 26(7), 1565-1567 DOI

45.  “Methane Activation with Rhenium Catalysts. 1. Bidentate Oxygenated Ligands.” Gonzales, Jason M.; Oxgaard, Jonas; Periana, Roy A.; Goddard, William A., III.Organometallics; 2007, 26(6), 1505-1511. DOI

44.  “Heterolytic CH Activation and Catalysis by an O-Donor Iridium-Hydroxo Complex.” Tenn, William J., III; Young, Kenneth J. H.; Oxgaard, Jonas; Nielsen, Robert J.; Goddard, William A., III; Periana, Roy A.. Organometallics; 2006, 25(21), 5173-5175.DOI

43.  “Heterolytic CH Activation with a Cyclometalated Platinum(II) 6-Phenyl-4,4′-di-tert-butyl-2,2-Bipyridine Complex “.Kenneth J. H. Young, Steven K. Meier, Jason M. Gonzales, Jonas Oxgaard, William A. Goddard III, and Roy A. Periana Organometallics; (Communication ); 2006. 25(20); 4734 – 4737 .DOI

42.  “Facile Functionalization of a Metal Carbon Bond by O-Atom Transfer.” Brian L. Conley, Somesh K. Ganesh, Jason M. Gonzales, William J. Tenn, III, Kenneth J. H. Young, Jonas Oxgaard, William A. Goddard, III, and Roy A. Periana J. Am. Chem. Soc.; 2006.128(28); 9018-9019 .DOI

41.  “Carboxylic Solvents and O-Donor Ligand Effects on CH Activation by Pt(II)”. Jonas Oxgaard, Oleg A. Mironov, Kenneth J. H. Young, William A. Goddard III, and Roy A. Periana J. Am. Chem. Soc.; 2006.128(23); 7404-7405 .DOI

40.  “Design and study of homogeneous catalysts for the selective, low temperature oxidation of hydrocarbons ” , Brian L. Conley, William J. Tenn III, Kenneth J.H. Young, Somesh K. Ganesh, Steven K. Meier, Oleg Mirinov, Jonas Oxgaard, Jason Gonzales, William A. Goddard III and Roy A. Periana Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2006; 251(1-2);8-23 DOI

39.  “Mechanistic Investigation of Iridium-Catalyzed Hydrovinylation of Olefins” Oxgaard, J.; Bhalla, G.; Periana, R. A.; Goddard, W. A., III
Organometallics; (Article); 2006; 25(7); 1618-1625.  DOI

38.  “Transition Metal-catalyzed Oxidation of Alkanes” in Handbook of C-H Transformations,Gaurav Bhalla, Oleg Mironov, Cj Jones, William J. Tenn III, Satoshi Nakamura, and Roy A. Periana Vol. 2, Gerald Dyker, Ed., 2005 Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, pp. 529-542. 

37.  “Hydrovinylation of Olefins Catalyzed by an Iridium Complex via CH Activation ” Bhalla, G.; Oxgaard, J.; Goddard, W. A., III; Periana, R. A.
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36.  “CH Activation with an O-Donor Iridium-Methoxo Complex.” William J. Tenn, III, Kenneth J. H. Young, Gaurav Bhalla, Jonas Oxgaard, William A. Goddard, III, Roy A. Periana J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2005.127(41); 14172-14173 DOI

35.  “Synthesis, Structure and Reactivity of O-Donor Ir(III) Complexes: C-H Activation Studies with Benzene.” Gaurav Bhalla, Xiang Yang Liu, Jonas Oxgaard, William A. Goddard, III, and Roy A. Periana J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2005.127(32); 11372-11389 DOI

34.  “Anti-Markovnikov Hydroarylation of Unactivated Olefins Catalyzed by a bis-Tropolonato Iridium (III) Organometallic Complex.” Gaurav Bhalla, Jonas Oxgaard, William A. Goddard, III, and Roy. A. Periana. Organometallics, 2005, 24(13); 3229-3232 . DOI

33.  “Homogeneous, catalytic, oxidative coupling of methane to acetic acid in one step.” Periana, Roy A.; Mironov, Oleg; Taube, Doug; Bhalla, Gaurav; Jones, C. J. Topics in Catalysis 2005, 32(3-4), 169-174. DOI

32.  “C-H activation of alkanes and arenes catalyzed by an O-donor bis(tropolonato)iridium(III) complex.” Bhalla, Gaurav; Periana, Roy A. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition 2005, 44(10), 1540-1543. DOI


31.  “Selective oxidation of methane to methanol catalyzed, with C-H activation, by homogeneous, cationic gold.” Jones, C. J.; Taube, Doug; Periana, Roy A.; Nielsen, Robert J.; Oxgaard, Jonas; Goddard, William A., III. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition 2 2004, 43(35), 4626-4629. DOI

30.  “Selective oxidation of CH4 to CH3OH using the Catalytica (bpym)PtCl2 catalyst: a theoretical study.” Xu, X.; Fu, G.; Goddard, W. A., III; Periana, R. A.. Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 2004, 147(Natural Gas Conversion VII), 499-504.

29.  “Mechanistic Analysis of Hydroarylation Catalysts” Oxgaard, Jonas; Periana, Roy A.; Goddard, William A., III. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2004, 126(37), 11658-11665. DOI

28.  “Alkane C-H bond activation by O-donor Ir complexes.” Bhalla, Gaurav; Liu, Xiang Yang; Wong-Foy, Antek; Jones, C. J.; Periana, Roy A.. ACS Symposium Series 2004, 885(Activation and Functionalization of C-H Bonds), 105-115.

27.  “Perspectives on some challenges and approaches for developing the next generation of selective, low temperature, oxidation catalysts for alkane hydroxylation based on the CH activation reaction.” Periana, Roy A.; Bhalla, Gaurav; Tenn, William J.; Young, Kenneth J. H.; Liu, Xiang Yang; Mironov, Oleg; Jones, Cj; Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical 200 4, 220(1), 7-25. DOI

26.  “Synthesis and Structural Characterization of Novel Organometallic, Rh(III), Bis(acetylacetonate) Complexes” Liu, Xiang Yang; Tenn, William J., III; Bhalla, Gaurav; Periana, Roy A. Organometallics 2004, 23(15), 3584-3586. DOI

25.  “Mechanism of Homogeneous Ir(III) Catalyzed Regioselective Arylation of Olefins. ” Oxgaard, Jonas; Muller, Richard P.; Goddard, William A.; Periana, Roy A. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2004, 126(1), 352-363. DOI

24.  “Alkane C-H Activation and Catalysis by an O-Donor Ligated Iridium Complex.” Wong-Foy, Antek G.; Bhalla, Gaurav; Liu, Xiang Yang; Periana, Roy A. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2003, 125(47), 14292-14293. DOI

23.  “Catalytic, Oxidative Condensation of CH4 to CH3COOH in One Step via CH Activation.” Periana, Roy A.; Mironov, Oleg; Taube, Doug; Bhalla, Gaurav; Jones, C. J. Science (Washington, DC, United States) 2003, 301(5634), 814-818. AbstractView Full Text

22.  “Structure, Bonding, and Stability of a Catalytica Platinum (II) Catalyst: A Computational Study.” Xu, Xin; Kua, Jeremy; Periana, Roy A.; Goddard, William A., III. Organometallics 2003, 22(10), 2057-2068. DOI

21.  “Novel bis-acac-O,O-Ir(III) Catalyst for Aanti-Markovnikov, Hydroarylation of Olefins Operates by Arene CH activation.” Periana, Roy A.; Liu, Xiang Y.; Bhalla, Gaurav. Chemical Communications (Cambridge, United Kingdom) 2002, (24), 3000-3001. DOI

20.  “High Yield Conversion of Methane to Methyl bisulfate Catalyzed by Iodine Cations.” Periana, Roy A.; Mironov, Oleg; Taube, Douglas J.; Gamble, Scott. Chemical Communications (Cambridge, United Kingdom) 2002, (20), 2376-2377. DOI

19.  “Direct Synthesis of Styrene by Rhodium-catalyzed Oxidative Arylation of Ethylene with Benzene.” Matsumoto, Takaya; Periana, Roy A.; Taube, Douglas J.; Yoshida, Hajime Journal of Catalysis 2002, 206(2), 272-280.

18.  “Regioselective Hydrophenylation of Olefins Catalyzed by an Ir(III) Complex.” Matsumoto, Takaya; Periana, Roy A.; Taube, Douglas J.; Yoshida, Hajime. Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical 2002, 180(1-2), 1-18. DOI

17.  “Stability and Thermodynamics of the PtCl2 Type Catalyst for Activating Methane to Methanol: A Computational Study.” Kua, Jeremy; Xu, Xin; Periana, Roy A.; Goddard, William A., III. Organometallics 2002, 21(3), 511-525. DOI

16.  “Cooler chemistry for the 21st century.” Periana, R. A. Chem Eng News 2001, 79, 287.

15.  “Methods and Catalysts for Alkylation of Aromatic Hydrocarbons” Matsumoto, Takaya; Taube, Douglas J.; Periana, Roy A. Jpn. Kokai Tokkyo Koho 2001, 11 pp.

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